Sometimes a simple SMS is not enough. The spoken word is still hard to beat. Therefore Spirius have developed Txt2Voice, a service that converts SMS to voice calls.
Many set their phone in silent or meeting mode but let through calls from family and VIP contacts. In this mode it can be useful to hook up SMS from your firealarm or GPS tracker to Txt2Voice and let it place a voice call to your mobile phone in case of fire or theft.
Another example is that you can send a code or login information without it being stored in the recipient’s mobile. Some countries have censorship authorities who control all SMS before they are sent out, resulting in a delay of perhaps 30 minutes. This delay is avoided completely by voice calls that also works with landline phones.
Txt2Voice is hosted on two independent server systems in different countries, which makes it geographically redundant. The service can also be adapted for switchboard services with spoken menu selections.
You can access Txt2Voice via HTTP / S GET API