In the spring of 2018, SMS operator Spirius will update its website Above all, it is about making it more user-friendly.

– One big change is that we go from nine product groups to three focused business areas, says Jonas Rexeke, CEO of Spirius. We have Messaging, Internet of Things and Solutions and sort our products into their respective areas. Largest is Messaging because it’s our main task, but IoT is growing fast. Under the heading Solutions you will find SPIRIsmart that is about creating custom workflows. We will also build a partner network. We know that some customers need help with hosting, security or payment solutions, and we will be able to help them together with some of the best in the business. It makes us a more complete supplier.

Additional news on the site becomes a developer zone where developers can get the specifications, program code and see examples. For existing customers, the password-protected customer portal will be made more transparent.

– It will be more of a control panel where the customer can see his information about the SMS traffic and also be able to edit the settings on his IoT SIM card, “says Jonas Rexeke. It uses responsive web design to make it work on all devices. In the end it’s about making our web more relevant and easy-navigated for both customers and partners.

For more information, please contact Jonas Rexeke.