Spirius’ web-based campaign tool is getting a major update. At the same time, the service changes its name to Spirius Message. The campaign tool is used by a number of customers to send out SMS to their customers or contacts. Now a major update is being released with a focus on the user and smart features. The new name will be Spirius Message.
– We have worked for a long time on updating the existing tool. The new version is completely cloud-based, which the customer may not notice, but constitutes a good foundation to build on, says János Tóth-Égetö – CTO at Spirius.
One of the news is that the tool has a responsive interface and, in other words, works equally well in different devices.
– We have also added message templates, which makes it easier to send recurring messages. You create templates that can be easily reused, says János Tóth-Égetö and continues:
– We have built in support for dynamic attributes. For each contact the customer has, they can enter information such as first and last name, address, city, organization and so on. This makes the message more personal for the end recipient.
Spirius Message also has higher capacity with the possibility of up to one million contacts. It includes a global contact list that allows the user to export their entire customer database to the tool. There is built-in user management if the customer wants to add more employees as users. There is also a black list support that allows the end recipient to unregister by sending STOP back.
– Naturally, we have taken the opportunity to improve the graphics and made the service even more user-friendly. And that’s just the beginning. We are already planning for more exciting features in the near future. Keep your eyes open, says János Tóth-Égetö.
Jonas Rexeke, CEO at Spirius, concludes by saying that it is nice that the tool is ready for launch and that it will be of great benefit to customers.
– Everyone who has an agreement for our messaging services today gets access to the tool. During the summer, we will transfer our customers who use the old system to the new one in a controlled manner. Spirius Message is also to some extent prepared for RCS, which we hope to launch in the autumn, says Jonas Rexeke.

For more information, contact Jonas Rexeke.