SMS operator Spirius has previously been marketing nine product groups and offered a range of services that also had unique product names. In order to make the product portfolio more transparent, and also broaden the business idea, it has now been divided into three business areas. The services also get new, more explanatory names.

– “It’s a big change for us,” says Jonas Rexeke, CEO of Spirius. Messaging will continue to be Spirius largest business area for the foreseeable future, but we estimate that the peak on the growth curve is passed, all depending on how Rich Communications Services (RCS) will hit the market.

The new area is Internet of Things (IoT). The major mobile operators are investing heavily on IoT today, but focus on larger customers who buy hundreds of SIM cards at once. We sell smart SIM cards and focus on small and medium-sized customers. With us you can start on a small scale and grow over time. With our SIM cards, there is also the potential to develop more flexible and customized services than the major operators are able to.

This brings us to the third business area, Solutions, where we collaborate with partners to deliver full stack solutions, including services such as hosting, security or payment.

For more information, please contact Jonas Rexeke.