BeamBop works with user-friendly customer communication. A large part is about direct feedback from physical environments. How a job has been carried out, whether you are satisfied or want to change something for next time.
– We are focusing on cleaning companies, which are usually smaller companies that lack this type of tool. When a cleaner has completed the task and reports it into the company’s business system, our system detects it and sends out an email or text message to their end customer, says Håkan Askengren, CEO at BeamBop and continues:
– That kind of feedback often has a higher emotional value in contrast to feedback in the case of, for example, a missing package delivery. It becomes more personal if someone has been in your home and done some work. The cleaning company gets valuable input right away. Both about things that may have gone wrong, but also praise. This means that the cleaning company, in turn, can promote its employee and perhaps use the reviews in its marketing if the end customer approves.
The SMS service is delivered by Spirius, which is based on a recommendation.
We had a larger, international supplier before. It worked fine, but then I got a tip about Spirius from a friend. I quickly felt that Spirius had extremely high competence in every detail and the quality of their deliveries has been superb. What we are going to test now is their SMS center which they run as their own Swedish SMS operator.
Although BeamBop is currently niched towards the cleaning industry, there are really no limitations to the service.
– All companies that benefit from quick feedback with a higher emotional value can benefit from BeamBop, concludes Håkan Askengren.

For more information, contact Jonas Rexeke.